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New production for Strasbourg National Opera


A/March 2010, Shows in Strasbourg/Colmar/Mulhouse

B/December 2012, revival in Rennes Opéra

C/ March 2015, revival Strasbourg National Opera.

Shows in Strasbourg/Colmar/Mulhouse.



Conductors :

A/ Roland Boër 

B/ Guiseppe Grazioli

C/ Patrick Davin

Director : Christophe Gayral

Sets : Camille Duchemin

Costumes : Cidalia Da Costa

Lighting : Christian Pinaud

Director assistant : Violaine Brébion


With :

A/ Eve-Maud Hubeaux, Jean-Gabriel St Martin, Xin Wang, Anaïs Mahikian, Anneke Luyten, Andrey Zemskov.

B/ Armando Noguera, Doris Lamprecht, Pascal

Charbonneau, Camille Poul, Nigel Smith, Clémence


C/ Nathanäel Tavernier, Rocio Pérez, Gaëlle Alix, Lamia Leuque, Peter Kirk, Joroslaw Kitala, David Oller.



A/C  Symphonic Orchestra of Mulhouse

B/  Orchestra of Bretagne




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